Question / Problem
I want to put the address value received from the sample6_execDaumPostcode
function into Kintone's Text field.
Specifically at'', function(event)
Current Situation
How is your Kintone App configured? What are you trying to do?
Kintone App:
Code / Attempts
This is an address search api sample.
(function () {
'use strict';
var sample6_execDaumPostcode = function (params) {
new daum.Postcode({
oncomplete: function (data) {
var record = params.record;
// The part where you write the code to be executed when a search result item in the popup is clicked.
console.log('sample6_execDaumPostcode1', record);
// The addresses are combined according to the exposure rules of each address.
// If the descending variable has no value, it has a blank ('') value, so branch by referring to this.
var addr = ''; // address variable
var extraAddr = ''; // Reference variable
// Get the address value according to the address type selected by the user.
if (data.userSelectedType === 'R') { // If the user selects a street address
addr = data.roadAddress;
} else { // When the user selects the lot address (J)
addr = data.jibunAddress;
// Combine reference items when the address selected by the user is a road name type.
if (data.userSelectedType === 'R') {
// If there is a legal same name, add it. (excluding legal fees)
// In case of statutory consent, the last character ends with "Dong/Ro/Ga".
if (data.bname !== '' && /[to|to|to]$/g.test(data.bname)) {
extraAddr += data.bname;
// If there is a building name and it is an apartment building, add it.
if (data.buildingName !== '' && data.apartment === 'Y') {
extraAddr += (extraAddr !== '' ? ', ' + data.buildingName : data.buildingName);
// If there are reference items to display, create the final string with parentheses added.
if (extraAddr !== '') {
extraAddr = ' (' + extraAddr + ')';
// Put the combined reference items into the corresponding field.
params.record.sample6_extraAddress.value = extraAddr;
} else {
// document.getElementById("sample6_extraAddress").value = '';
params.record.sample6_extraAddress.value = '';
// Put the zip code and address information into the corresponding fields.
params.record.sample6_postcode.value = data.zonecode;
params.record.sample6_address.value = addr;
// document.getElementById('sample6_postcode').value = data.zonecode;
// document.getElementById("sample6_address").value = addr;
// Move the cursor to the detailed address field.
// document.getElementById("sample6_detailAddress").focus();
}'', function (event) {
var record = event.record;
var zipcode = record.sample6_postcode.value;
record.sample6_postcode.value = 'test'
var zipcodeElement ='button')
zipcodeElement.addEventListener('click', event2 => {
const button = new Kuc.Button({
text: 'findAddr',
type: 'submit'
button.addEventListener('click', event1 => {
var event1 = sample6_execDaumPostcode(event)
return event;
Error Message
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Desired Outcome / Expected Behavior
Screenshots are helpful
Referenced Resources
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