Javascript not running for first time users

It seems like whenever a new user attempts to submit a record for the first time the Javascript does not work at all. However, this issue only happens the first time they create a record, the next time they create and submit a record it works perfectly fine. Is this a bug you have encountered before?

I tried asking general support and they told me to ask in this forum instead.

Hello @MariaCam
Welcome to the community!

I've never heard of JavaScript not working only the first time for a user.
That said, the issue is most likely related to your script. Here are some possible causes:

  • Kintone may not have fully cached the JavaScript for first-time users, causing it to not run properly on the initial record creation.
  • If the script relies on asynchronous data (e.g., kintone.api() calls, fetching lookup fields, or waiting for an element), there might be a timing issue.
  • JavaScript may not execute properly if dependent elements are not fully loaded.

It could be one of the above or a combination of them. Even though it works after the first attempt, if you need to resolve the issue, I highly recommend checking the console when the issue occurs to troubleshoot further.

By the way, as you mentioned, the support desk doesn’t provide assistance with customizations since they typically depend heavily on the customer’s script—unless it’s a general question about the Kintone API.