Question about Table:)

I always use kintone and the table field is good and handy.

But sometimes I want to disable the ability to change the number of lines.

To be specific, we can change this by clicking + or - icon at the right end. I want to disable that.

Could we do that?

Hello Taro

Yes, you can disable the function to change the number of lines(deleting + and - icons) in the table field by using the JavaScript.

The only method to do that is by specifying the button class attribute and not displaying it, which can be done by something like this:
document.getElementsByClassName(“subtable-operation-gaia”)[0].style.display = “none”;

However, this is NOT recommended.
This is because the class attribute of each element may be changed without any notice in kintone update, which is written in the following document of developer network’s JavaScript Coding Guidelines:

To sum it up, disabling the function is possible, but the code may not work after kintone update.

Oh, that kind of code may not work in the future…

I’ll be careful when writing the code.

Thanks, anyway!