I'm trying to stop a status from moving forward if any of the 3 check boxes are not checked and have an error message pop up explaining the error. Right now my code will not allow me to move to the first process, if I remove the code the app will work again. I just would like it to stop on the SUPLY CHAIN REVIEW status and throw an error message to the user. Here is the code I have written. I reviewed some of the topics in the forum to help write the code.
(function () {
"use strict";
var COMPLETE1 = 'scn_chk_1'; //check box field name
var COMPLETE2 = 'scn_chk_2'; //check box field name
var COMPLETE3 = 'scn_chk_3'; //check box field name
var events = ['app.record.detail.process.proceed'];
kintone.events.on(events, async (eventLeave) => {
var record = eventLeave.record;
var CURSTATUS = record.Status.value;
//var NEWSTATUS = record.nextStatus.value;
var chkboxVal1 = record[COMPLETE1].value;
var chkboxVal2 = record[COMPLETE2].value;
var chkboxVal3 = record[COMPLETE3].value;
var error_message1 = "Please Complete the REVIEW AND COMMUNICATION TO PACKAGING TEAM LEADS";
var error_message2 = "Please Complete the REVIEW AND COMMUNICATION TO PC TEAM LEADS";
var error_message3 = "Please Complete the REVIEW AND COMMUNICATION TO QC TEAM LEADS";
var error_loc1 = "PLEASE CHECK HERE";
if (CURSTATUS === 'SUPPLY CHAIN REVIEW' && chkboxVal1.checked == false) {
eventLeave.error = error_message1;
record[COMPLETE1].error = error_loc1;
if (CURSTATUS === 'SUPPLY CHAIN REVIEW' && chkboxVal2.checked == false) {
eventLeave.error = error_message2;
record[COMPLETE2].error = error_loc1;
if (CURSTATUS === 'SUPPLY CHAIN REVIEW' && chkboxVal3.checked == false) {
eventLeave.error = error_message3;
record[COMPLETE3].error = error_loc1;
return eventLeave;
This is the section with the checkboxes