Contest Submission 🗳️

Contest Submission :ballot_box:

Submit Your Work :floppy_disk:

This is the official Kintone Customization Contest 2023's submission thread!

Congratulations on building & writing about your Kintone customization! :muscle:

Steps :writing_hand:

Here is how to submit your project for the contest:

  1. Create a Kintone Developer Forum account

  2. Use #kintone & #kintone_contest tags to your article

  3. Add the following footer to your article:

    This post is part of the Kintone Customization Contest 2023.
  4. Comment on this topic with the Title and link to your article

That is it! Then you are all set for the contest.

Example :eyes:

Here is an example of a submission to the Kintone Customization Contest:

Article: JS Customization to Generate QR Code from Kintone Record Values


Title: JS Customization to Generate QR Code from Kintone Record Values

DEV Link:

Got Questions?

Post your contest-related questions here in this Contest :trophy: category!

For more details, please see the Contest Announcement Post.


I wasn't sure if this was the place to submit my entry for the contest but I couldn't locate the "comment" section. Thanks again for the opportunity and looking forward to hearing back!

Title: Building the "Travel Tracker": My Homage to Instagram's Lost Map Feature
DEV Link: Building the "Travel Tracker": My Homage to Instagram's Lost Map Feature - DEV Community
Application: Travel Tracker

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Here is my submission:

Title: Display Kintone Records on Google Maps
DEV Link: Display Kintone Records on Google Maps - DEV Community

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@Garrett Yes, this is the correct place to submit your entry. Sorry for being unclear.

@emilythecat @Garrett
I checked both of your entries. Thank you for following the steps and including the URL back to your Kintone Forum account. Looks good so far.


Hello I hope I am not too late.
Here is my article for the kintone contest

i have used chat GPT to help write i hope this is ok

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Out of curiosity, are any updates or announcements on the contest going to be made today? :eyes:

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Sorry about that. I incorrectly set the post timer to JST and PST. :sweat_smile:

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