Customize Uploader: KintoneRestAPIError: [400]

Question / Problem

I would appreciate it if anyone could share their ideas as to why I got this error when executing kintone-customize-uploader.

Current Situation

I am trying to upload JavaScript and CSS files to my Kintone App using the kintone-customize-uploader.

I have successfully done it for many of my other apps, but two apps failed and responded with the 400 error.

I tried to close the application everywhere without success.

Code / Attempts

Share your code and setup

Error Message

KintoneRestAPIError: [400] [CB_VA01] Missing or invalid input. (OQv31CapwTLipcP6s7ef)
at KintoneResponseHandler.handleErrorResponse (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@kintone\customize-uploader\node_modules\@kintone\rest-api-client\lib\src\KintoneResponseHandler.js:57:15)

Desired Outcome / Expected Behavior

I am trying to upload JavaScript and CSS files to my Kintone App using the customize uploader.

Referenced Resources


Hello @Paul ,

Based on the error message you received, it appears that some sort of input is missing or invalid.
To identify the exact cause of the issue, could you please share the manifest file with us?

Thank you

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Hello @Chris

I have resolved the error yet
This is what I did; I used to have the google fonts link on the manifest files,
but after removed it the customize uploader was successful
kindly refer to the picture how my manifest file used to be

Thank you very much for your help

Hello @Paul ,

It looks like you mistyped the Google Fonts URL.
Specifically, a + was missing between Shippori+Antique

Correct URL for Shippori Antique - Google Fonts:

Here is the corrected version of your manifest file:

  "app": "133",
  "scope": "ALL",
  "desktop": {
    "js": [
    "css": [
  "mobile": {
    "js": [
    "css": [
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@Genji @Chris

Thank you very much for your help, now all is fine

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