Kintone App Settings - "Private" vs "Public" Apps?

Current Situation

I have another question about Space.

I created the Pro forma App in the Kintone Portal.

The Kintone Administration's "App Management" screen is showing the Pro forma app has no Space assigned and is in the "Private" App Group.

A coworker reported that he is locked out of the App.

I tried to change Space, but I do not see the menu option to do so.

Please advise.

Question / Problem

What is the cause of my coworker's inability to access the app?

Do I need to change the app Space from "Private" to "Public" for him to access the app?

Thank you so much for your explanation. Your explanations have always been helpful.

Hello @annaylee ,

Thank you for asking a question about Kintone App Settings.


Since you were asking a different question from Kintone.api('/k/v1/records', 'GET', params) not getting the records, I moved your question to a new topic.

This way, the forum will be easier to search for other users with the same question.

Quick Answer

Yes, you need to change the Pro forma App's App Group from "Private" to "Public" for your coworker to access the app.

What Are App Groups?

App groups enable you to manage permissions for multiple Apps collectively.

By assigning Apps to an App Group, you automatically change the App's permissions to match the App Group's permissions.

Every App belongs to an App group. When you create an App, it is categorized into the "Public" App group by default.

Private vs. Public App Group

Public App Group

  • By default, all Apps are in the "Public" App Group

  • By default, when apps belong to the "Public" App group, they are visible to all users.

For more information, please see the Public App Group section.

Private App Group

  • Apps that belong to the "Private" App group are only available to App creators.

  • If you are not the creator of an App in the "Private" App group, the App does not appear in the App section on Portal (top page) and in the Apps section on the "App Management" screen.

  • All users with permission to create apps can create apps that belong to the "Private" App group.

For more information, please see the Private App Group section.