REST API to retrieve space information without using a space ID. space ID is required for this Now. can u suggest any alternate to retrieve all space informATION.
Hello @poonkodi
Welcome to the community.
The Get App or Get Apps API can retrieve general information about an app, including its related Space ID. You can use this to obtain the Space ID and then use the Get Space API to retrieve detailed information
Hello Chris, thanks for the reply. I can retrieve as Per your suggestion but space without apps cant be retrieved right. please suggest.
Hello @poonkodi
You're correct. Currently, you cannot retrieve Space information if it has no apps in it.
There is a relatively new API that allows retrieving a list of Spaces in an environment, but it is still not available in the US version of Kintone. It may be introduced in the future.
For now, the only workaround I can suggest is to include at least one app in each Space and then use the method I mentioned in my previous reply.
Hi Chris, thanks for your response. Any ETA for future release including this List all API for Space.
Hello @poonkodi
I'm not sure. I recommend checking the Product Update periodically for any updates regarding native features and/or APIs.
You can find updates on the Kintone API Update Summary or Kintone Product Updates pages.
Thank you, Chris, I will keep check the updates on this forum as well as API Updates.