Tables Data Summary

Hi, I would like to find out this there anyway to auto summaries the data from table 1 to table 2. It mean when I key in all the items into table 1 and then it will auto summaries in table 2 total qty in each item.

Hello @Alex_Hoo

Welcome to the community! :smile:

Just to clarify, does the summary need to be presented in another table? If the goal is simply to summarize the quantity for each item, it might be simpler to have number fields outside the table for each item and automatically calculate the sum of each item's quantity there.

Let me know your thoughts on this approach.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your response, at first in my application creation I need to summarize and sum up each item into another table for some other purpose. But if the simple way to do it by summarize with sum each item into the same app with sum up number fields outside the table I'm ok also. Thanks and appreciated your help.

Best Regards

Hello @Alex_Hoo

Yeah, a scripting involving modifying a table, such as adding or deleting rows, can get complex. I'll work on the script that will sum up number fields outside the table and get back to you with it tomorrow.

1 Like

Hi Chris,

Really thanks and appreciated your help.

Best Regards

Hello @Alex_Hoo

The following script would do the job:

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var SUBTABLE_CODE = 'Table'; // Subtable field code
    var DROPDOWN_FIELD = 'Item'; // Dropdown field code within the subtable
    var QUANTITY_FIELD = 'Qty'; // Quantity field code within the subtable

    // Define outside field codes
    var OUTSIDE_FIELDS = {
        'Item 1': 'Item1',
        'Item 2': 'Item2',
        'Item 3': 'Item3'

    // Listen for changes in both the Item and Qty fields within the subtable
    var itemChangeEvents = [
        'app.record.edit.change.' + DROPDOWN_FIELD,
        'app.record.create.change.' + DROPDOWN_FIELD

    var qtyChangeEvents = [
        'app.record.edit.change.' + QUANTITY_FIELD,
        'app.record.create.change.' + QUANTITY_FIELD
    ];, function(event) {
        var record = event.record;
        var aggregates = {
            'Item 1': 0,
            'Item 2': 0,
            'Item 3': 0

        // Aggregate quantities for each item type
        record[SUBTABLE_CODE].value.forEach(function(row) {
            var item = row.value[DROPDOWN_FIELD].value;
            var qty = parseFloat(row.value[QUANTITY_FIELD].value) || 0;
            if (item in aggregates) {
                aggregates[item] += qty;

        // Update outside fields based on the aggregates
        for (var item in aggregates) {
            var fieldCode = OUTSIDE_FIELDS[item];
            record[fieldCode].value = aggregates[item];

        return event;

    // Disable the outside number fields on form show events
    var formShowEvents = [
    ];, function(event) {
        var record = event.record;
        // Disable each field
        record['Item1'].disabled = true;
        record['Item2'].disabled = true;
        record['Item3'].disabled = true;

        return event;

Here is the information about the fields used:

  • Table - Field Code: Table
  • Item - Dropdown Field, Field Code: Item
  • Qty - Number field, Field Code: Qty
  • Item 1 - Number field, Field Code: Item1
  • Item 2 - Number field, Field Code: Item2
  • Item 3 - Number field, FIeld Code: Item3

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your coding, I will try it.

Best Regards

Hi Chris,

Sorry to disturb you again. I just tried your coding and the field required according to the coding. But it does not work after I click save. I'm not sure whether I missed anything.


(function() {
    'use strict';

    var SUBTABLE_CODE = 'Table'; // Subtable field code
    var DROPDOWN_FIELD = 'Item'; // Dropdown field code within the subtable
    var QUANTITY_FIELD = 'Qty'; // Quantity field code within the subtable

    // Define outside field codes
    var OUTSIDE_FIELDS = {
        'Item 1': 'Item1',
        'Item 2': 'Item2',
        'Item 3': 'Item3'

    // Listen for changes in both the Item and Qty fields within the subtable
    var itemChangeEvents = [
        'app.record.edit.change.' + DROPDOWN_FIELD,
        'app.record.create.change.' + DROPDOWN_FIELD

    var qtyChangeEvents = [
        'app.record.edit.change.' + QUANTITY_FIELD,
        'app.record.create.change.' + QUANTITY_FIELD
    ];, function(event) {
        var record = event.record;
        var aggregates = {
            'Item 1': 0,
            'Item 2': 0,
            'Item 3': 0

        // Aggregate quantities for each item type
        record[SUBTABLE_CODE].value.forEach(function(row) {
            var item = row.value[DROPDOWN_FIELD].value;
            var qty = parseFloat(row.value[QUANTITY_FIELD].value) || 0;
            if (item in aggregates) {
                aggregates[item] += qty;

        // Update outside fields based on the aggregates
        for (var item in aggregates) {
            var fieldCode = OUTSIDE_FIELDS[item];
            record[fieldCode].value = aggregates[item];

        return event;

    // Disable the outside number fields on form show events
    var formShowEvents = [
    ];, function(event) {
        var record = event.record;
        // Disable each field
        record['Item1'].disabled = true;
        record['Item2'].disabled = true;
        record['Item3'].disabled = true;

        return event;

Thanks & Regards,

Hello @Alex_Hoo
Could you share any error messages you're encountering?
Otherwise, I can't provide much assistance.

Also, please make use of this page to debug the error.

Hi Chris, thanks for your response. I will try to debug and find out the error and get back to you. Thanks

Hi Chris,

I tried debug and I saw this error.



Hello @Alex_Hoo
The error appears to be quite general, making it challenging to identify the specific issue.
If the structure of your setup mirrors mine, I suspect the error might be due to discrepancies between your field codes and those used in the script.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your information, I will try it again.
