I’m trying to fill in the “Related Records” field with results from my own query using the JavaScript API. I’m using the below code to fetch the data. Since this function returns an array of records, can’t I just load them in the related records field by using its field code? Is this even possible?
var rec = event.record;
var customer = rec.Customer.value;
var start_period = rec.Start_Period.value;
var end_period = rec.End_Period.value;
var query = ‘Customer="’+ customer +’" and Start_TIme >= “’+ start_period +’” and Start_TIme <= “’+ end_period +’”’;
var getAllSummaryDetailsWithQuery = function() {
var body = {
query: query
return kintone.api(kintone.api.url(’/k/v1/records’, true), ‘GET’, body).then(function(resp) {
if ( resp.records.length === 0 ) {
alert(“No data was returned.”);
return event;
return resp.records;
console.log(“Request couldn’t complete.”);
Hi Christopher,
It is not possible to use the API to update the information in the related record based on the result retrieved by GET.
The desired process cannot be achieved using the standard fields of kintone, including related records, so you need to create your related records.
Below is a sample code based on two apps, the class management app and the student management app.
(the code is applied to the class management app)
Class management app:
Field Type Field Name Field Code Remark
Record Number Class number class_no -
Text Class code class_code -
Text Class name class_name -
Space - student_list Space for table display
Student management App:
Type of field Field name Field code Remark
Record number Student number student_no -
Text Student code student_code -
Text Name student_name -
Lookup Class code class_code Table
Text Class name class_name Table
(function() {
'use strict';
kintone.events.on(['app.record.detail.show', 'app.record.edit.show'], function(event) {
var record = event.record;
// Avoid proliferation bugs
if (document.getElementById('student\_list') !== null) {
return event;
// To HTML escape
function escapeHtml(str) {
return str
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/\</g, '<')
.replace(/\>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''');
// Get space
var subtableSpace = kintone.app.record.getSpaceElement('student\_list');
// Rest API
var params = {
'app': '{Student Management AppID}',
'query': 'class\_code in ("' + record.class\_code.value + '") order by student\_no asc limit 500',
'fields': ['$id', 'student\_code', 'student\_name']
kintone.api(kintone.api.url('/k/v1/records', true), 'GET', params).then(function(resp) {
// success:Display list of students
var tableRecords = resp.records;
var studentTable = '\<table class="kintoneplugin-table"\>';
studentTable += '\<thead\>';
studentTable += '\<tr\>';
studentTable += '\<th class="kintoneplugin-table-th" style="width: 250px;"\>';
studentTable += '\<span class="title"\>';
studentTable += 'code';
studentTable += '\</span\>';
studentTable += '\</th\>';
studentTable += '\<th class="kintoneplugin-table-th" style="width: 250px;"\>';
studentTable += '\<span class="title"\>';
studentTable += 'Name';
studentTable += '\</span\>';
studentTable += '\</th\>';
studentTable += '\</tr\>';
studentTable += '\</thead\>';
studentTable += '\<tbody\>';
for (var i = 0; i \< tableRecords.length; i++) {
studentTable += '\<tr\>';
studentTable += '\<td\>';
studentTable += '\<div class="kintoneplugin-table-td-control"\>';
studentTable += '\<a href="/k/104/show#record=' + escapeHtml(tableRecords[i].$id.value);
studentTable += '" target="\_blank"\>';
studentTable += escapeHtml(tableRecords[i].student\_code.value);
studentTable += '\</a\>';
studentTable += '\</div\>';
studentTable += '\</td\>';
studentTable += '\<td\>';
studentTable += '\<div class="kintoneplugin-table-td-control"\>';
studentTable += escapeHtml(tableRecords[i].student\_name.value);
studentTable += '\</div\>';
studentTable += '\</td\>';
studentTable += '\</tr\>';
studentTable += '\</tbody\>';
studentTable += '\</table\>';
subtableSpace.innerHTML = studentTable;
}, function(error) {
// error:Display a message in case of error
var errmsg = 'An error occurred while retrieving the record';
// If the response contains an error message, display the message
if (typeof error.message !== 'undefined') {
errmsg += '' + error.message;
return event;
※Replace the ‘104’ part of ‘<a href="/k/104/show#record=’ with the app ID of the student management app.
Could you try and see if this accomplishes the desired process?
Hopefully, it helps.
Hi Sean!
Thank you so much for all your help! That worked perfectly. I wasn’t sure how to create the custom HTML table so now I can using this method in future projects!
Much appreciated,
Chris Krieg