Bulk Print Records (list view) each record it's own PDF

I have a client that needs to print each Kintone record (from a bulk action button in list view). However, they're not needing any particular template - just the same format as the Print option in a single record. Has anyone else done this or have any pointers?

Hello @hjohnson

I noticed your comment on the other related post.
The simplest solution would be to utilize the Print Creator add-on. Otherwise, you'll need to develop your own printing script and design how the page looks, which could become quite complex.

Here's a basic example to get you started, but please be aware that the design is minimal. Use this as a reference point to build upon:

(function() {
  'use strict';

  // Function to create and add the print button
  function addPrintButton() {
    var printButton = document.createElement('button');
    printButton.id = 'printButton';
    printButton.innerHTML = 'Print All Records';
    printButton.style.position = 'absolute';
    printButton.style.top = '10px';
    printButton.style.right = '10px';
    printButton.style.zIndex = '1000';

    var headerMenuSpace = kintone.app.getHeaderMenuSpaceElement();
    if (headerMenuSpace) {

      printButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

  // Fetch records and print them
  function fetchRecordsAndPrint() {
    var appId = kintone.app.getId();
    var limit = 500;  // Maximum records per request
    var offset = 0;
    var allRecords = [];

    function fetchRecords() {
      var params = {
        app: appId,
        query: 'limit ' + limit + ' offset ' + offset

      kintone.api(kintone.api.url('/k/v1/records', true), 'GET', params, function(resp) {
        allRecords = allRecords.concat(resp.records);
        if (resp.records.length === limit) {
          offset += limit;
        } else {
      }, function(error) {


  function printRecords(records) {
    var printWindow = window.open('', '_blank');
    var printContent = '<html><head><title>Print Records</title></head><body>';
    printContent += '<h1>Records</h1><table border="1"><thead><tr>';

    // Define the fields to print
    var fields = ['Record Number', 'Name'];

    // Table headers
    fields.forEach(function(field) {
      printContent += '<th>' + field + '</th>';

    printContent += '</tr></thead><tbody>';
    records.forEach(function(record) {
      printContent += '<tr>';
      fields.forEach(function(field) {
        var value = '';
        if (field === 'Record Number') {
          value = record['RecordNumber'].value;
        } else if (field === 'Name') {
          value = record['Name'].value;
        printContent += '<td>' + value + '</td>';
      printContent += '</tr>';

    printContent += '</tbody></table></body></html>';

  // Wait for the DOM and Kintone's elements to be fully loaded
  kintone.events.on('app.record.index.show', function(event) {

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Thank you! One question though - what if I'm wanting to put a single record on each page. Not necessary display the list view but when you select bulk print, it would have each record on a single page?

Hello @hjohnson

You'll just have to design the printing page to ensure each record is printed on a separate page. Here's a refined version of that:

(function() {
  'use strict';

  // Function to create and add the print button
  function addPrintButton() {
    var printButton = document.createElement('button');
    printButton.id = 'printButton';
    printButton.innerHTML = 'Print All Records';
    printButton.style.position = 'absolute';
    printButton.style.top = '10px';
    printButton.style.right = '10px';
    printButton.style.zIndex = '1000';

    var headerMenuSpace = kintone.app.getHeaderMenuSpaceElement();
    if (headerMenuSpace) {

      printButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

  // Fetch records and print them
  function fetchRecordsAndPrint() {
    var appId = kintone.app.getId();
    var limit = 500;  // Maximum records per request
    var offset = 0;
    var allRecords = [];

    function fetchRecords() {
      var params = {
        app: appId,
        query: 'limit ' + limit + ' offset ' + offset

      kintone.api(kintone.api.url('/k/v1/records', true), 'GET', params, function(resp) {
        allRecords = allRecords.concat(resp.records);
        if (resp.records.length === limit) {
          offset += limit;
        } else {
      }, function(error) {


  function printRecords(records) {
    var printWindow = window.open('', '_blank');
    var printContent = '<html><head><title>Print Records</title>';
    printContent += '<style>@media print { .pagebreak { page-break-before: always; } }</style>';
    printContent += '</head><body>';
    printContent += '<h1>Records</h1>';

    // Define the fields to print
    var fields = ['Record Number', 'Name'];

    records.forEach(function(record, index) {
      printContent += '<div>';
      printContent += '<table border="1"><thead><tr>';

      // Table headers
      fields.forEach(function(field) {
        printContent += '<th>' + field + '</th>';

      printContent += '</tr></thead><tbody><tr>';
      fields.forEach(function(field) {
        var value = '';
        if (field === 'Record Number') {
          value = record['RecordNumber'].value;
        } else if (field === 'Name') {
          value = record['Name'].value;
        printContent += '<td>' + value + '</td>';
      printContent += '</tr></tbody></table>';
      printContent += '</div>';

      // Add a page break after each record except the last one
      if (index < records.length - 1) {
        printContent += '<div class="pagebreak"></div>';

    printContent += '</body></html>';

  // Wait for the DOM and Kintone's elements to be fully loaded
  kintone.events.on('app.record.index.show', function(event) {

1 Like

Thank you for taking the time to help me answer this! It gave me a good jumping off point! I appreciate it!