Error in Conditional Display Plugin

The Kintone Conditional Display Plugin generates the error: 

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

To reproduce the error:

Create new App and add the "Conditional Display Plugin"
Create a new record. This error is displayed in the js console. 

Hello Jeff Gilbert,

Thank you for posting about this error message in the JS Console.
We will forward the issue to the Sales Engineering Team.

Which version of the Conditional Format Plug-in are you using?

Please note that the Conditional Format Plug-in has been archived on the Kintone Developer Program’s website and is now available as a Native Kintone Plug-in.

For questions regarding the official Conditional Format Plug-in, please get in touch with the Kintone Support Team.

For more information about the update, refer to the Conditional Format Plug-in - Kintone Developer Program article.

Thank you for your time,


Good morning, I am using the version I pulled from the native kintone plug-ins page yesterday

Tested with: from the Kintone Plug-in Gallery

Thank you for the Plug-in version number Jeff Gilbert!
I will forward the issue to the Sales Engineering Team.

Have a nice day,

Hello Jeff,

The Sales Engineering team, thanks for your feedback on the warning message.

The Conditional Display Plug-in (v1.3.0) should be working properly despite this.

Have a nice day,
