Process management assignee changed event

There is a “app.record.detail.process.proceed” event in Record details events, but it seems like there is no Assignee changed event.

Also there the event “app.record.detail.process.proceed” fires before the actual process management step is executed. Can we have an event after process proceed succeeded?

I really need these events to write my custom kintone plugin. Please, help me solve this. Thank you!


Hello Trinh!

Yeah, I think there isn’t any event of when the assignee is changed or post-process proceed event.

I’ll look into it if there is anything I missed, but can you describe what you are trying to do here?
It might give me more insight to help you.

Hello again.

I looked around the documents, but yeah, there isn’t any event of it.
However, because the ”” event occurs right after the “app.record.detail.process.proceed” event, you can use this to check the status.

To be more specific, since you can use the ”” to acquire the current process by checking the status within the event object, you CAN run a process similar to what you are sayng.
BUT, since the ”” event runs every time the record details is opened, you must have some kind of flag set when status is changed so the process only runs ONLY when the flag is set.

“To be more specific, since you can use the ”” to acquire the current process by checking the status within the event object, you CAN run a process similar to what you are sayng.
BUT, since the ”” event runs every time the record details is opened, you must have some kind of flag set when status is changed so the process only runs ONLY when the flag is set.”

This is exactly what I am doing right now, but it seems kinda hacky :slight_smile: Would be awesome to have the aforementioned events in the future though.

Thanks for your reply!