Unable to Use Few Rest API from Postman

Hi Team,
As per the Rest API documentation I can see for some of the API Endpoints we do not have OAuth Permission Scopes feasibility to run it through postman but from Kintone GUI able to do so.
Can you please confirm if this is due to Trail account or this is not at all feasible from postman using OAuth Permission Scopes.
List of API not able to Use from Postman:
2.Space Members
6.Bulk Request
7.General Notifications
8.Per Record Notifications
9.Reminder Notifications
10.Graph Settings
11.Action Settings
Refrence API document : Kintone REST API - Kintone Developer Program

Thanks & Regards
Madhusudan Kumar

Hi Madhusudan Kumar,

Thank you for your question.

No, it is not due to the trial account. It is because those APIs are outside of Kintone's OAuth permission scopes listed here:

For more information, see the below article

I hope this help!

Hi Jesslyn,

Thanks for your response. Just wanted to check that if these APIs are outside of Kintone's OAuth permission scopes then why is it exposed under Rest API documentation? Any specific reason or so?

Thanks & Regards
Madhusudan Kumar

The REST APIs can still be used with other authentications. For more information about authentications, see the below article

They are not included in the OAuth scopes for technical reasons, but your feedback has been shared with the dev team.

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