What kind of data does not work with change field even?

I want to know.
What types field are available?
That does not apply to change field even.

Hello NewTum,

For the change field event, the following field cannot be changed or overwritten.

  • -Calculated
  • -The Field Mappings targets of the Lookup field
  • -Attachment

Kintone Developer Program - Record

Other than those fields, it can be changed.

Kintone Developer Program help pages usually mention which field cannot be done with what event. The help page also goes into further details, so it might be better to check those to understand fully.

Thank you

Hello Yuzo Arai,

Like you misunderstand.

I want to know. What types field are available that does not apply to change field even.

Example :

Lookup filed type. When there is a change, I can’t catch change.


Text area filed type. When there is a change, I can’t catch change.

var changeEvents = [‘app.record.create.change.Text_test’,

kintone.events.on(changeEvents, function(event){
      var record = event.record;



Hi NewTum,

I think you are referring to this.

Field Change Event  app.record.create.change.<>:

Fields that can be Specified:

Radio button
Check box
User selection
Date and time
Single-line text

Make sure to specify the field codes of these fields. Nothing will happen if the field code does not exist, or a field that is not in the above list is specified.

Hopefully, that helps.