Put Lookup field data into another field

Hello Kintone Developers

I wanna ask how to put the Lookup data into another field (not mapping). Which mean, after I had Lookup the data from another application, I wanted the text data from Lookup field to be added with another field.

I’d think you could have a script that would, when the “DS Name” field is changed (app.record.edit.change.<>), copy the value of the DS Name field and set the value of the DS Name (Excel View) field to that value.

The native feature does not support what you are trying to do.
Therefore, as James mentioned, with JS, you might want to do “copy the value of the DS Name field and set the value of the DS Name (Excel View) field to that value.”

You just have to be careful when you want to fire this event.
The event cannot be triggered after the data of the lookup field(“DS Name” field) is selected since the lookup field can not be specified in the field change event.

Field Change Event

Instead, you can specify the field(“Fleet Name” field) mapped from the data source app with the lookup feature as the field for the field change event.
Or you can call the event once the record is saved also.

Thanks for both of you. Will try to make this one