Is there a way to add a field in an email reminder notification?
This would help our users identify the record being referenced.
For example, if I could add the address field to the reminder notification, the agents would immediately know which record is being referenced.
Thank you
Hi @dlively ,
You can change the title field section of the email subjects.
The email notification’s subject is in a fixed format.
For example, if it’s an email notification sent when a record is created, the subject is in the following format:
“[Kintone] [app name] "title field" - Record added
The title field, also known as Record Title that you see in the above example, can be changed to a specific field.
For more information, refer to the Setting Title Field article on the Kintone Help site.
Formats for other events are listed here.
E-mail Notification Subject - Kintone Documentation Site
I hope this information helps.
@Sean_Tcbn , Thank you very much for the information!