Hey folks!
New to kintone plugin/app dev here, trying to use the npm create-kintone-plugin and kintone-plugin-uploader to smooth my workflow.
But when I try “npm start
” or run the uploader directly, it has my input my username and password for the Kintone URL, then just hangs on “open SUBDOMAIN.kintone.com/login?saml=off
Without the uploader working, to see the effects of my builds in Kintone, I have to:
Run “
npm run build
” in the terminal -
In the admin Plugins settings screen, import a plugin via file, and select the new plugin.zip created by the build packer
Reload the plugin settings page itself, so the new build manifests on the site
I’ve checked that my login used on the terminal has administrator permissions, I’m following the API doc instructions, and there are no codes or thrown errors. I’ve triple checked I’m using the correct username and password (And it will throw an error if the login info is correct, just to confirm the failstate).
Is there anything I’m missing to make the uploader function on updated code saving, or at least upload when the command line is run, instead of the multi-step process I’m using now?
Alternatively, is there an alternate method of testing my plugin’s effects and code changes “live”, so I can better practice, experiment, and learn?
Thanks so much; I appreciate any help anyone can offer.
-Chris Foster